by Bruce F. Rosen — Beneath the noise of daily life — filled with traffic congestion and sirens, incessant text messages and emails demanding answers, and obligations you are striving to fulfill — your true self is aching to experience and express joy, which is your birthright. Here are six ways to allow joy to […]
Tag Archives: guilt
The gateway of grace
October 4, 2012
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by Rochelle Sparrow — Many people wonder how to let go of the past mistakes they feel they made in their lives. Some say they dwell on memories of these errors in an effort to continue punishing themselves with guilt. They have an intellectual understanding that these thoughts are unhealthy, but they find it difficult […]
The law of knowing
September 18, 2012
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by Dr. John Demartini — Psychology recognizes three states of life. There is a state of knowing. There is a state of knowing that you know. And then there is the state of knowing you know that you know. I like to think of the first as the gathering of facts and of intellect. The […]
The terror-list
August 24, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — In a cave between my ears there hides a terrorist who has been waging a holy war for a very long time. He believes that using force and fear tactics are justified and that holding my inner child hostage is the only way to create real change and growth. He presents […]
Transforming energy drains
February 27, 2012
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by Kimberly Kingsley — Just about everyone has at least one thing that robs them of inner peace and drains their energy. Often it is more than one thing, but our attention tends to focus on the habit or relationship that is most challenging. As an energy coach and psychotherapist, I have witnessed numerous transformations. […]
The hidden healers
February 26, 2012
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by Tracy Minton — Over the past few decades, scientists have demonstrated the negative effects of stress on both physical and mental health. Is our well-being inextricably linked to external circumstances beyond our control? Or do we have untapped resources within that we can employ to help us manage the stressors that are natural to […]
Are you in overwhelm?
February 23, 2012
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by Jolin Brandes — The world is changing so quickly that we can get thrown into reactionary states over the smallest things. Someone says something just the wrong way, and we feel our emotions getting triggered. As the sun produces larger and larger solar flares, its intense rays of light pass through us. This unearths […]
December 14, 2012
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