by Dr. Larry Wilson — This article is about balancing your life with the love tetra — four qualities of action that, when done in a balanced way, can lead to greater happiness and better health. The word tetra means four and is short for tetrahedron, which is a geometric solid with four sides and […]
Tag Archives: hair mineral analysis
Managing Minerals
July 10, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Minerals, from calcium and magnesium, to the trace elements such as zinc, are perhaps the single most important group of nutrients. They are required for every bodily function, from activating muscles and nerves, to digestion, energy production, and all healing and regeneration of the body. This article focuses on important […]
The skinny on fats
March 6, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — High-quality fats and oils are one of the most essential foods to consume every day. They are needed as an energy source for your brain and for producing many vital hormones in the body. They are also essential for transporting all vitamins, minerals and hormones through every one of your […]
Treating childhood obesity
September 5, 2012
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by Lynnette Baumgart — The number of overweight children has increased dramatically. Being overweight refers to an excess of body weight relative to height. Many families are overweight due to diets high in saturated fats, sugars and an overall sedentary lifestyle. Parent involvement is necessary in order for a child to be healthy, and the […]
Supplement Basics
August 30, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — To function at your best, I recommend several basic food supplements. The most important are omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and vitamin D3. Additional minerals that are needed by most people are calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chromium and selenium. Also very helpful are vitamins A, B, C, E and P (bioflavonoids). […]
Natural Thyroid Care
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — The thyroid gland is not large, but it functions as the “spark plugs” of the body, giving a person plenty of energy for every bodily activity. Thyroid problems are among the most prevalent health disorders. Hypothyroidism. The most common thyroid condition is called hypothyroidism, or a low-functioning thyroid. Symptoms often […]
September 3, 2013
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