by Dr. Adrienne Stewart — Preventative medicine has lifelong benefits. The earlier you invest in your health, the greater the returns you can expect throughout life. Imagine the benefits of a healthy lifestyle as a young child or even before you were born. That is why preconception care can be very healing, not only for […]
Tag Archives: heavy metals
Toxic metals: Where they come from and how they affect us
December 20, 2012
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by Dr. Carole Eastman — Sometimes occurring naturally and sometimes introduced by humans, toxic metals are everywhere. As a result of this chronic low-level exposure, as well as the body’s inability to adequately excrete them, these toxic heavy metals accumulate and are deposited in tissues such as bone, brain, kidney, liver, arteries, heart and muscle, […]
Spring clean with dandelion root
October 3, 2012
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by Curt Burbach — The time for spring cleaning is here again, and with it, we must realize that our bodies need cleaning too. Just like your house, your yard, your pantry and every other organic organism in this world, your body will benefit tremendously if you take a little time and effort to cleanse […]
QXCI and energy medicine
September 8, 2012
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by Brenda Haas-Krieger — The body is an electrical system, and our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Homeopathy long ago acknowledged the body’s electrical properties. In fact, homeopathic remedies use diluted substances that work by way of their energetic imprint. Like homeopathy, the modern-day QXCI (Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface) machine treats […]
ABM mushroom extract is powerful medicine
September 1, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — In the 1960s, researchers visited the São Paulo, area in Brazil and discovered that the longevity rate was disproportionately high. People there were very healthy and living well beyond 100 years. Their secret was the simple ABM mushroom, Agaricus blazei murill. The ABM mushroom is the strongest of the medicinal […]
Prescription for anti-depression
August 27, 2012
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by Dr. Martha Grout — For some people, the world is often gloomy and depressing. For others, the day-to-day routine can cause anxiety and stop them in their tracks. Depression drugs have a 50/50 success record; a 50-percent decrease in symptoms is about as good as it gets. If you are extremely low on serotonin […]
Benefits of organic food
July 30, 2012
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by Ben Ta’ati — According to the American Chemical Society, a 10-year study by UC Davis researchers has indicated that levels of antioxidants known as flavonoids increase over time in crops grown in organically farmed fields. Other recent scientific studies have suggested that the consumption of flavonoids may protect against cancer, heart disease and other […]
Heavy metals create heavy hearts
March 20, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — High blood pressure, coronary heart disease (heart attack and chest pain), stroke and congestive heart failure are all forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and according to the American Heart Association, about 62 million Americans have some form of it. Most people are unaware that 150 years ago, heart disease was […]
Wake-up calls on stents for heart disease
March 5, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — According to a new study published January 15, 2009, in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with clogged heart arteries are being overtreated with stents. Fewer deaths, heart attacks and repeat procedures occurred when doctors implanted fewer of these tiny artery props, and when doctors used the blood-flow test to […]
An advanced approach to cancer
March 5, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — Cancer is a failure of the immune system to stay on top of things that go wrong in the body. If you’ve been told you have cancer, your immune system is not working well. Ironically, traditional treatment further weakens the immune system with its use of heavy-duty doses of chemotherapy […]
The fire within that causes disease
March 5, 2012
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by Dr. Martha Grout — Every chronic disease is an inflammatory disease. No matter what your diagnosis — allergies, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, cancer, COPD, Crohn’s, chronic fatigue, diabetes, emphysema, fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, lupus, multiple sclerosis and obesity, to name a few — inflammation is a major part […]
Brain longevity and better brain function
February 26, 2012
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by Brenda Haas-Krieger — It is possible to combat brain aging, impact Alzheimer’s and even enhance cognitive function, as Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., wrote in his 1999 book Brain Longevity. The brain is flesh and blood like the rest of the body and will respond to measures we take to strengthen it. Dr. William Grant […]
June 16, 2013
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