by Paula Owens — The average American has 116 synthetic compounds in his body, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, the environment, poor quality supplements, pesticides, chemicals, xenoestrogens and so much more. […]
Tag Archives: inflammation
IC or bladder-pain syndrome — a multi-symptom condition
February 23, 2012
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by K. Pocai — For many sufferers of interstitial cystitis (IC), an inflammatory bladder condition, the diagnosis is insignificant. However, it is often the unrelenting layers of symptoms and pain that can bring people to their knees. While IC, newly renamed “bladder-pain syndrome,” appears to be more prevalent among females from the teenage years and […]
Foods that free you from pain
February 23, 2012
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — In 431 B.C., Hippocrates, the father of medicine said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Throughout history, the healing properties of food have been reported by many diverse cultures around the world. However, the past decade has presented an explosion of clinical research showing the […]
February 23, 2012
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