by Scott Kalechstein — One day I was on my way to church to give an inspirational talk and sing a few songs. Having received a license in the mail a few weeks earlier that claimed I was now an officially ordained minister, I was excited to be giving my first legal sermon. (I had […]
Tag Archives: inner critic
Gremlin Day Care Center
October 19, 2012
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by Morgana Rae — It is a new year, so why not take a holiday from your “gremlin?” You know that nasty inner critic that tells you that you are not good enough? The one constantly detailing the reasons you cannot have the love/wealth/success/happiness you want, and encouraging you to procrastinate? Who dismisses your accomplishments? […]
Yea, I love to skip — Let’s go
February 26, 2012
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by Kim Corbin — Imagine that you are out with friends when one of them says, “Let’s skip!” as they leap into the air and go bounding down the street in front of you. That is exactly what happened to me back in 1997. Without thinking twice, there I was bouncing down the street with […]
December 5, 2012
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