by Carol Keppler — Many people today are desperately trying to regain their youth through extreme means — liposuction, Botox treatments, cosmetic surgery and stomach stapling, to name a few. Unfortunately, surgeries and procedures that damage the “repair loop” traumatize the body, instantly putting a ceiling on the healing process. Hollywood stars who maintain a […]
Tag Archives: intent
Creating abundance with affirmations
December 25, 2012
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by Kymla Eubanks — Many of us begin the new year by making resolutions to improve our physical health, clean out that closet full of clothes we never wear or become more organized. More than halfway through the year, how are these intentions going? It is never too late to rid ourselves of the things […]
Cause and Effect
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — This article is about one of the most basic laws operating on planet Earth, that of cause and effect. In the karmic sense, the law of cause and effect states that all of our thoughts, words and deeds have far-reaching consequences that, over time, come back to us in reciprocal […]
March 10, 2013
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