by Dr. Sirah Vettese — As queens of the modern makeover, we bought the clothes, colored the hair, got the personal trainer and remodeled the kitchen. Still, we feel unfulfilled, overwhelmed and underappreciated. What gives? Many people live with an underlying sense that their lives are not quite what they could be. Their thoughts are […]
Tag Archives: intuition
Spiritual dating: A new frontier
April 12, 2012
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by Amy Leigh Mercree — How many dates have you been on that have amounted to nothing? If you are like many people, it is probably a lot. While going out may often seem like a waste of time and energy, that little voice inside is likely telling you to persevere in order to find […]
Three tips to fire up your business intuition
March 5, 2012
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by Nathalie Ekobo — Using your intuition to guide you is not necessarily what you would first think of when creating a plan for your business. After all, this kind of knowingness is not taught in school. Business calls for logic, plan, structure and action — nothing to do with following a hunch or a […]
Moving toward wholeness
March 1, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Healing is a spiritual process; it is a journey toward wholeness and self-realization — and a quest to discover what needs to be loved. It is a calling out for unity, compassion and self-acceptance. Healing also is a process that requires courage, intuition, imagination and faith. This means courage to admit […]
Tips to detox the body
February 29, 2012
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by Paula Owens — There are 116 synthetic compounds lurking in the body of each average American, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, our environment, synthetic supplements, pesticides and chemicals. What you […]
Unlock your potential with the V-Plus
February 28, 2012
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by Jolin Brandes with Deanna Melnychuk — Everything in the physical universe is made of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Scientists believe that humanity, with all its wisdom, has dumped more than 60,000 man-made toxic chemicals into our air, food and water. We also have surrounded ourselves with electronic technology that produces electromagnetic fields. […]
Important self-improvement tools
February 26, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Someone asked me what I would consider the single most important tool for self-improvement. Yikes! What a question. “I will have to get back to you on that,” I responded, knowing that I would need to wrestle with it for a while before answering. Below are some of my ideas. Meditation […]
Have you talked to your body lately?
February 23, 2012
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by Cay Randall-May — If you have not talked to your body lately, then it is time to begin a conversation. Our bodies are constantly trying to communicate with us. Sometimes we misunderstand or ignore these attempts to get our attention. The usual language of our elbows, wrists or backs is pain, stiffness, swelling or […]
Do psychics predict your destiny?
February 23, 2012
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by Donnie Tash — Has a psychic ever told you something incredibly amazing about your future that you found hard to believe? Or warned you about the future by seeing an unfavorable outcome to a situation? Did you know whether or not to believe the prediction? Because so many factors challenge our coping skills today, […]
The duality of awareness
February 23, 2012
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by John English — One of the most fascinating elements of the self to contemplate and work with is that of awareness. Like everything else in the One Spirit’s creation, our awareness is dualistic. Each of us has the use of mind and heart. Heart is the feeling principle. So our awareness consists of mind […]
Love: When is it real, when is it an illusion?
February 23, 2012
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by Austin Vickers — Lots of illusions about love exist. I know that I am often confused. Someone tells me they love me, but then acts in a way that clearly does not have my best interests at heart. Sometimes I am the one doing the talking and then notice that my actions do not […]
Advancing Reiki consciousness
February 23, 2012
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by Josephine M. Joseph — During this changing economy, Reiki is an asset in awakening one’s ability to reach beyond the physical aspects and stresses of daily life. When we deepen the connection within, we open ourselves up to living in the present and learn to understand the power of seeing life through new perspectives. […]
July 10, 2012
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