What to serve for dinner on a cold, dark night by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Soup can be an easy answer to that “what-to-serve” problem on a cold, dark night. After you have put on your heaviest sweater and hunkered down to prepare a meal that is simple, filling and will warm your heart and […]
Tag Archives: Joanne Henning Tedesco
New government dietary advice
February 16, 2016
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New government dietary advice by Joanne Henning Tedesco — The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans was released by the government in January and was designed to help Americans eat a healthier diet and improve their overall eating patterns. The impact of the new guidelines is widespread. School lunch standards change. Nutrition labels reflect revised daily […]
Decrease your time sitting to improve your health
February 10, 2016
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Decrease your time sitting to improve your health by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If you work in an office and spend most of your day in front of a computer, you might spend less time sitting by using a standing workstation. A study published in the journal Preventive Medicine analyzed 23 active desk studies and […]
The powerful blueberry
February 10, 2016
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The powerful blueberry by Joanne Henning Tedesco — As one of the few fruits native to North America, blueberries have been enjoyed here for hundreds of years. Blueberries range in vibrant colors from deep purple-blue to blue-black and are highlighted by a silvery sheen called a bloom. They have virtually no fat, are low in […]
Delightful side dishes for your dinner meals
January 5, 2016
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Delightful side dishes for your dinner meals by Joanne Henning Tedesco — You have decided on your entrée for dinner, but you want something different to serve with it — not the usual vegetables and rice or mashed potatoes. Today, many choices abound. Go to your local farmers’ markets and look around at all the […]
Exercises for sleeker, stronger arms
December 9, 2015
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Exercises for sleeker, stronger arms by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If your upper arms are starting to sag, simple upper-arm exercises using hand weights can tone up your arms in about four to six weeks. To do these exercises, choose weights that are heavy enough to fatigue you somewhere between 12 and 15 repetitions. If […]
Alkaline-forming versus acid-forming foods
December 9, 2015
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Alkaline-forming versus acid-forming foods by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Most of the foods that people eat today are acid forming. These include refined grains, pasteurized dairy, conventional meat, vegetable oils, artificial sweeteners and processed sugars. A diet composed primarily of these acid-forming foods inhibits nerve function and damages cells. Experts in the field believe a […]
The tiny mustard seed
November 2, 2015
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The tiny mustard seed by Joanne Henning Tedesco — The mustard seed has been eaten and used medicinally since ancient times, but due to its connection to the type of mustard used on burgers and hot dogs, we are reminded of fast food. This is unfortunate, since both mustard seeds and the popular condiments they […]
Can your tattoo be confused with cancer cells?
October 13, 2015
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Can your tattoo be confused with cancer cells? by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Recently, a California woman was diagnosed with cervical cancer. The tests conducted prior to surgery showed that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. After undergoing removal of her uterus, Fallopian tubes and dissection of her lymph nodes, she found out […]
Are all natural teas safe?
October 7, 2015
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Are all natural teas safe? by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Recent tests conducted by Eurofins Scientific, an independent analytic testing company, determined that many varieties of Celestial Seasonings teas contain potentially dangerous levels of multiple pesticides. The report revealed that 91 percent of the teas sampled contained pesticide levels that exceeded U.S. federal limits. Ten […]
But flip-flops are so comfortable …
September 7, 2015
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But flip-flops are so comfortable … by Joanne Henning Tedesco — We all know that high heels are famous for inflicting foot pain, but flip-flops or those light sandals, typically made of plastic or rubber, with a thong between the big and second toe, can also create foot problems. According to a research study at […]
The benefits of kefir
August 20, 2015
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The benefits of kefir by Joanne Henning Tedesco — For centuries, cultures have pickled and fermented foods to preserve them. By doing so, they created food that contained healthy microorganisms or probiotics that helped them to live healthy, long lives. Research has proven that preserving foods creates healthy bacteria within them. Kefir is a unique, […]
Back-to-school lunches
August 10, 2015
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Back-to-school lunches by Joanne Henning Tedesco — It is time for school to start, and healthy lunches are a top priority for children and adults, alike. Always pack lunches in a cooler or insulated container and include freezer packs, a sealed bag of ice or a frozen beverage to keep the food cold. If possible, […]
March 11, 2016
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