The Garden Journal: The Essentials by Liane Doxey — Doxey, a master gardener, has developed a carefully organized book with all the essentials for garden journaling that will be appreciated by the novice or a master gardener. This is a guide to teach you what you need to remember from one growing season to the […]
Tag Archives: journal
How to keep a well-being journal
May 19, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Within the pages of a well-being journal or diary, you can record and track what serves and provides for you, and what does not. Whether you already keep a journal or want to start a well-being journal, it is an amazing, supportive tool you can give yourself. A well-being journal is […]
Creating a prosperity journal
April 5, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — If you look up the individual words in the phrase “creating a prosperity journal” in the dictionary, it says: Creating — to cause to exist; originate; to bring about; produce. Prosperity — financial success or well-being. Journal — a daily record of occurrences or transactions. Creating a personal prosperity journal will […]
17 tips on keeping a journal or diary
February 27, 2013
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by Doreene Clement — Whether you already keep a journal or want to start, here are some ideas and tips to help you with your journaling. 1. New to keeping a journal? Start with writing, “Today, I am grateful for …” and fill in the blank with what you are grateful for. 2. Write in […]
Want to be a better writer? Become a better reader
October 8, 2012
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by Laura Orsini — Every craft takes practice. The best athletes spend hours on the court, the ice, the field. Gourmet chefs take days, weeks, months to perfect a single recipe. So it stands to reason that in order to become a better writer, you should practice by writing every day. However, it takes more […]
Cleaning out the clutter
March 5, 2012
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by Sue Meyn — Have you ever had that anxious feeling when you just could not look at the clutter in your closet one more day? The resistance may be strong initially, but then the urge to clean takes over you. It must be taken care of immediately! It feels so good to give away […]
Healing adrenal fatigue
February 27, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Are you tired but wired? Do you use caffeine and high-sugar snacks to get through the day? Are you always on the go, but feeling burned out? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue. Many, if not most of us, live stress-filled, fast-paced […]
Important self-improvement tools
February 26, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Someone asked me what I would consider the single most important tool for self-improvement. Yikes! What a question. “I will have to get back to you on that,” I responded, knowing that I would need to wrestle with it for a while before answering. Below are some of my ideas. Meditation […]
A new friend
February 24, 2012
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by Sue Meyn — We hear so much about the value of journaling today, including research that shows it improves immune system functioning and reduces blood pressure. Journal writing seems like such a simple endeavor, but many find it hard to begin or to sustain. You could compare getting started keeping a journal to starting […]
Detox tips for health, vitality, longevity and fat loss
February 23, 2012
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by Paula Owens — The average American has 116 synthetic compounds in his body, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, the environment, poor quality supplements, pesticides, chemicals, xenoestrogens and so much more. […]
Holiday stress-busting tips
February 23, 2012
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by Aurora Winter — Tired of being tired? Stress increases over the holiday season, due to more shopping, parties and obligations. We are juggling visitors, travel and our usual duties, which are stressful enough. Those happy holiday messages can be painfully at odds with our own lives if we are dealing with heartbreak, such as […]
January 22, 2016
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