by Dr. Edward C. Kondrot — How can colored light applied to the skin help treat eye problems? Contrary to what you might imagine, the answer is tied to the familiar Chinese system of medicine called acupuncture. The Chinese have observed that energy, or chi, travels through the body in specific meridians, located near the […]
Tag Archives: kidney
The psyche of infertility
September 7, 2012
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by Dr. Steven Cooner — Most of us would agree that the mind and body work together. The emotional and psychological factors/forces involved in infertility can be dealt with by talking with a health care professional or by using the body to help heal the mind and emotions and aid fertility. A healthy, peaceful mind […]
Just say no to GMOs — what you need to know
April 12, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Genetically modified (GM) foods are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are formulated in a laboratory where genes are taken from one species and inserted into another, in an attempt to obtain a desired characteristic or trait. Often referred to as Frankenfoods, GMOs are chemical-laden seeds that alter and disrupt […]
Biofeedback makes healing easy
February 27, 2012
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by Jordana Gainsworth — Suzanne Somers, actress, author and health advocate, is about to make “Ondamed” a household word. She used the Ondamed machine after she was diagnosed with breast cancer and is a big believer in its abilities. Ondamed is an FDA-approved biofeedback Class II medical device from Germany that has been used successfully […]
Timeless healing with Chinese medicine
February 26, 2012
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by Ada Porat — There is a world of difference in the approaches to healing found in Western allopathic medicine and in traditional Chinese medicine. In the Western world, physicians are trained to separate mental, physical and emotional symptoms when addressing the root cause of an illness. In contrast, Chinese medicine views the patient as […]
Nature’s anti-stress, anti-aging, anti-spasm mineral
February 26, 2012
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by Julia Busch — Amazing magnesium combats physical, mental and emotional overload while working to reverse aging. Seventy-six percent of our body’s enzymes and at least 300 major biochemical reactions rely on this vital mineral — from heartbeat to digestion, protein synthesis, bone formation, kidney, adrenal, nervous system and brain function, cellular energy production, activation […]
Are you eating toxic food dyes?
February 24, 2012
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Every year, food manufacturers pour 15 million pounds of artificial food dyes into U.S. foods — and that amount only factors in eight different varieties, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest. These dyes are so common in U.S. foods (especially kids’ foods) that parents do not think twice about serving rainbow-colored […]
April 20, 2013
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