Your body is designed to experience stress and react appropriately. Stress will put you in fight-or-flight mode, alert and ready to avoid danger. The body also experiences physiologic responses, such as increased heart and respiratory rates, to enable immediate action. However, increased incidences of illness can develop if these physiologic changes are not restored to […]
Tag Archives: laughter
Laughter and Haha Yoga
May 10, 2013
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by Wayne H. Purdin — Scientists have found that laughter decreases the level of immunosuppressive hormones in the blood, while boosting the number of white blood cells that fight free radicals and tumor cells. Laughter also increases serotonin, which produces a natural high, provides a mini-aerobic workout, massages muscles, decreases pain and diverts the mind […]
The Fun Police
March 9, 2013
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by Scott Kalechstein — I have come to believe that how much joy I experience in any given moment pretty much boils down to how much permission I give myself to have that joy. Sounds simple enough, but for many of us, after a lifetime of withholding permission from ourselves, we might notice some subtle […]
Getting it up for God, each other and our planet
February 13, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Lately I have coached several people who were quite “dis-couraged” (removed from their courage) by the insanity, greed and destruction going down on the planet. Then throw in such things as the hurricane, climate change and personal financial woes. As such, depression and despair currently exist in epidemic proportions, and many […]
Your amuse system lightens the workload
November 23, 2012
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by Karen Lee — According to Jody Urquhart, an expert in the field of humor and health, fun is productive. Imagine a work world where people love their work environment, and they are calm, stress-free and happy all day long. People who are in good spirits are more likely to be productive. Their mental attitude […]
Laugh your way to better health
September 16, 2012
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by Kathy Balland — Want to know a fun way to improve your health? Try a little laughter. Studies have shown that laughter has many medical and psychological benefits. Here are 10 of those benefits: 1. Weight management: Laughing 10 to 15 minutes a day can burn an extra 40 calories. 2. Anti-aging: Laughter can […]
Set solemn aside and focus on fun
February 26, 2012
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by Laura Orsini — Here is a little challenge for you. The next time you are out somewhere in public — the mall, the grocery store, the post office — look around at the people. How many of them are smiling? How many of them look like they have cracked a smile even once this […]
Create your tool bag for change
February 24, 2012
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by Tina Sacchi — Many of us are experiencing great changes in our lives. As we navigate through our days, many emotions come to the surface for clearing and releasing. The world is shifting, and while we are seeing great changes in our political and financial systems, in particular, we are also experiencing profound transformation […]
Cultivating resilience
February 23, 2012
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by Ada Porat — How resilient are you? Resilience is defined as the ability to return to your original form after being bent, stretched or compressed. It is the ability to readily recover from illness or adversity. Life’s setbacks and disasters often arrive without prior warning. And while we may not have a choice as […]
A guide to de-stressing
February 23, 2012
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by Melissa Jones — Stress is at the root of 80 percent of all complaints heard in doctors’ offices, not to mention the complaints you continually hear from friends and co-workers. Having a stressed-out, unhappy and pitiful mindset can become a bad habit and an all too familiar way of being. Stress not only causes […]
The health benefits of laughter
February 23, 2012
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by Debra J. White — Laughter really is the best medicine because it is free, has no side effects and it works. Scientific evidence from the Food and Drug Administration may be lacking, but laughter elevates mood, improves circulation, relieves chronic pain and stress, as well as enhances family relationships. Doctors are now recommending laughter […]
June 20, 2013
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