Tag Archives: lifestyle changes

Real Medical Prevention

April 5, 2015

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Real Medical Prevention by Dr. Larry Wilson —  When it comes to your health, prevention is crucial. The problem is how to properly implement preventive care. Doctors offer preventive measures in the form of vaccines and various screening tests. However, many of these measures are toxic and invasive; and traditional annual physicals are costly and, […]

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Fix-it Rolfing® for specific pain

March 5, 2012

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by D.J. Cross and Deanna Melnychuk —  People tend to think of Rolfing as overall bodywork. Indeed, Rolfing is known as third-paradigm bodywork because it integrates the body, mind and spirit. But did you know that Rolfing is also a great modality to heal specific body ailments? It is the role of a Rolfer to look […]

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A naturopathic approach to bipolar disorder

February 28, 2012

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by Dr. Tara Peyman —  Approximately five million Americans are suffering with bipolar disorder, and most of them take medications that may cause undesirable side effects, such as weight gain and fatigue. Some of these prescriptions can even cause elevated blood sugar and high cholesterol. The good news is that alternatives to conventional medications are […]

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