Give yourself the gift of gracious receiving by Char Mada — Are you one of those people who devotes plenty of time to helping others but forgets to schedule time for yourself? Do you always insist on paying for lunch or dinner, without ever considering that others may enjoy the same benefits of giving that […]
Tag Archives: love yourself
The magic of life — it’s all about love
May 28, 2013
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by Eva-Maria Mora — Many people ask what is my life’s purpose and what am I supposed to be doing? The answer is fairly simple — we are all here to experience love in all its facets, examine it from all sides, and enjoy the bliss, happiness and ecstasy of what love can be. Yet, […]
Find joy despite life’s obstacles
December 14, 2012
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by Bruce F. Rosen — Beneath the noise of daily life — filled with traffic congestion and sirens, incessant text messages and emails demanding answers, and obligations you are striving to fulfill — your true self is aching to experience and express joy, which is your birthright. Here are six ways to allow joy to […]
Give the gift of self-love
March 5, 2012
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by Wendy Schulstad — As we pass through the season of giving, many of us are left exhausted because we are not giving to ourselves. In the midst of trying to do for others, we end up feeling resentful because we seem to be the one getting the short end of the stick. I am […]
May 23, 2014
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