by Dr. Emil Faithe — Do you suffer from uncontrollable weight gain? Is your hair falling out? Are you exhausted, angry or depressed? Millions of people, mostly women, are living with imbalanced thyroids. Many have low thyroid function, despite the fact that their blood tests are normal. Others have been taking thyroid medicine all their […]
Tag Archives: low thyroid function
What you don’t know about your thyroid can make you ill
August 24, 2012
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by Becky Coffield — The thyroid is probably the most overlooked, improperly diagnosed gland in the human body. This small, butterfly-shaped gland residing in the throat is one in a family of glands called the endocrine system. Its functioning is extremely intricate — and crucial to the health and well-being of a person. Yet it […]
Frequent infections could be from hypothyroidism
February 28, 2012
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by Dr. Mark Starr — One of the hallmarks of a sluggish metabolism (hypothyroidism) is a tendency to suffer frequent infections that last longer and are more severe than the norm. Upper-respiratory problems such as ear infections, colds, bronchitis or even pneumonia are the most common types of infections and are often due to a […]
August 25, 2012
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