by Diane R. Randall — Have you ever thought that you are just incapable of change? Making changes is traditionally difficult, but the good news is that it is never too late to make changes for the better. Many of us already know that improving our state of well-being will help extend our lives. And […]
Tag Archives: making changes
Balancing work and life
September 28, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Work-life balance is about finding the critical balance point between work and personal commitments. This process looks different for each person, and it looks different at various stages of life. The effects of imbalance are well-documented: frustration, anxiety, depression, and stress can overwhelm and create illness from lack of self-care and […]
Course corrections
February 24, 2012
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by John Freedom — Have you taken stock of your life lately? Have you looked back over the old year, and started to survey a promise of the future? As you look ahead and peer into your crystal ball to see what lies ahead, what do you see for yourself? Where are you headed? And […]
July 11, 2013
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