by Dr. Larry Wilson — With Katrina and Rita, two powerful hurricanes, arriving so close together, many people are wondering about storms. What is their meaning for us? More importantly, what good comes from storms and other disasters? Natural disasters have occurred for as long as mankind has been on this planet. They are […]
Tag Archives: Mayan calendar
Cycles of life
March 5, 2012
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by Michelle Karén — Our occidental world is regulated by linear time. With the past behind us, the present where we now stand and a future yet to be discovered, conceptually, time resembles an arrow. Indigenous people use circular time, also called sacred time. Everything happens in cycles, where each ending is also a new […]
The Mayan calendar and 12.21.2012
February 29, 2012
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by Michelle Karén — The Mayans had two calendars: the Tun calendar, or short count, and the Tzolkin calendar, or long count. The Tun calendar was a personal calendar. It revealed one’s personal destiny. The Tzolkin calendar was the sacred calendar. A calendar is central to any society because it defines the way we view […]
July 15, 2013
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