by Rima Mehta — It is common for many of us to resolve to lose weight, but any sane person dreads a diet’s dulling effect on the brain. We know that the foods we eat affect the body, but they may have even more of an influence on how the brain works — including level […]
Tag Archives: memory
Treating whiplash with myofascial release
February 24, 2012
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by Maria G. Troia — Whiplash is a nonmedical term that describes a set of symptoms usually caused by a rear-end collision, but also can be caused by sports injuries, falls or other movements where a similar rapid extension-flexion motion of the head and neck occurs. These symptoms typically include neck pain, difficulty turning the […]
Sleep deprivation in America
February 23, 2012
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Insufficient sleep not only affects your memory and daily performance, but studies have now shown that lack of sleep can impair your ability to drive an automobile. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that drowsiness, including nodding off while driving, is responsible for 1,550 deaths and 40,000 injuries each year. When the Centers for Disease […]
Beating Brain Fog
February 22, 2012
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by Larry Wilson, M.D. — Brain fog is a health condition that is often characterized by a lack of mental clarity and mild memory loss. Other symptoms include confusion, mental sluggishness and often an inability to perform basic mental tasks properly, such as mathematical calculations. Brain fog is not recognized as a clinical diagnosis. I think […]
February 24, 2012
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