by Dr. John Demartini — Results of a recent news poll conducted for the Australian Institute found that 62 percent of Australians, including 48 percent of the richest 20 percent, believe they cannot afford to buy everything they really need. Among those who live in households with an income of more than $100,000, fewer than […]
Tag Archives: money
Taking care of financial clarity
May 20, 2013
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by Lucinda Lintz — There are a lot of complicated and sophisticated “things” in this world. How we deal with money and its benefits does not have to be one of them. Sometimes, the attempt to stay on top of our finances can lead to further problems and challenges, which can spill into our relationships, […]
Giving with love
April 22, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — The essence of giving has to do with sharing the love that you are. Giving occurs on many levels and with many motives, depending on one’s level of consciousness and the situation. Giving is part of everyone’s daily life, much of it occurring unconsciously. Giving has much to do […]
Finding business capital in Arizona
December 29, 2012
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by Bruce L. Hodgman — Ask any entrepreneur, actual or potential, what their biggest holdup to launching or growing their business is, and the answer will come quick and sure — money. There is little doubt, if any, that finding capital to finance your business venture is the most basic and important of all your […]
What are your money messages?
November 17, 2012
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by Todd S. Smith — Modern society constantly inundates us with conflicting messages — especially when it comes to money. On the one hand, advertising touts the allure of bigger, better homes, the fastest cars and the coolest new high-tech gadgetry. On the other hand, we repeatedly hear financial gurus attempting, seemingly in vain, to […]
Money can make us happy, really!
October 22, 2012
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by Todd S. Smith — For many individuals, money is a topic that falls beyond the realm of who we are, what we stand for and who, as people, we want to be. In reality, however, our money behavior and money beliefs are intricately and indelibly connected to our greater belief systems. Many challenges we […]
Serve people well — and you’ll be served well yourself
September 9, 2012
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by Bob Burg and John David Mann — In the wee hours of a freezing winter morning, a furnace repairman was awakened out of a cozy, restful sleep by a family whose furnace had suddenly stopped working. A half-hour later he was in the family’s basement with the family huddled around him watching, shivering and […]
Inner factors for creating a successful holistic health practice
August 3, 2012
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by Dawn Fleming — Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, several key inner factors set apart those who become successful in creating a holistic health practice or any small business. Statistics show that four out of five […]
Feng shui your way to success
March 5, 2012
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by Joy Abrams — We all deserve prosperity in this new year. So let’s explore some feng shui tips that can help you access the prosperity you are hoping for. First, it is important to understand that there are financial empowering areas in your home that can help with this. Contemporary methods of feng shui […]
Signs indicating seniors need assistance
February 25, 2012
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by Kim McCreery — Inevitably, there will come a time for the vast majority of us when we can no longer maintain healthy and safe lives without the assistance of outside help. And more often than not, the real issue is about the loss of independence. For many seniors, accepting outside help is a scary […]
September 6, 2013
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