by Liz Anderson — How is it that huge multinational chemical, pharmaceutical and agricultural corporations of the world can continue to produce genetically modified (GM) crops, without the normally required testing, supervision and impact reports regarding their effects on our health and their potential threat to our food supply and environment? Our Congressmen and health […]
Tag Archives: Monsanto
Health updates
September 21, 2012
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The following is new information regarding Frankencrops in Venezuela and benzene in soda drinks. Venezuela moves to ban Frankencrops Monsanto’s plans to grow 500,000 acres of genetically engineered crops in Venezuela have been thwarted by the nation’s popular president, Hugo Chavez. According to Chavez, when he learned about Monsanto’s plans, “I ordered an end to […]
News about stevia
September 14, 2012
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The FDA, under pressure from the powerful sugar and artificial sweetener lobby, has issued a warning letter to Celestial Seasonings for using a popular natural sweetener. The letter indicates the FDA classifies the herb stevia as “unsafe,” even though it is a main staple sweetener in China and Japan and has been used without negative […]
Health updates
August 24, 2012
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The following is new information regarding Monsanto’s recombinant (genetically engineered) bovine growth hormone (rBGH), also known as recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), being driven off the market. Monsanto’s bovine growth hormone being driven off the market The Organic Consumers Association has been working to educate and mobilize consumers and retailers (Starbucks, for example) to boycott milk […]
Everybody eats, but do we know what?
March 20, 2012
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by Eric Herm — As humans, we tend to forget our bond with the rest of nature’s living creatures. Despite our magical ability to drive shiny automobiles, don the latest fashions, construct extravagant cities or make full use of opposable thumbs, we are really no different than the rest of nature — we all eat, […]
Proposed bills endanger supplement industry
February 26, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — A cloud of concern hangs over the supplement industry. In February, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), and Byron Dorgan (D-ND), introduced the “Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010.” Known as S. 3002, it would have put the natural supplement industry under control of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). About 30 days […]
Eight foods you should almost never, ever eat
February 24, 2012
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Most soybean, corn, cotton and canola crops in the U.S. are genetically altered. Some experts argue that these crops could pose serious health and environmental risks, but the scientific evidence is currently incomplete — deliberately so. Agricultural corporations such as Monsanto and Syngenta have restricted independent research on their crops. They have refused to provide […]
Monsanto’s corn is toppling over
February 23, 2012
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As the summer growing season draws to a close, 2011 is emerging as the year of the superinsect — the year that pests officially developed resistance to Monsanto’s genetically engineered, bug-killing corn. In late July 2011, Iowa scientists documented the existence of corn rootworms — ravenous pests that attack the roots of corn plants, even […]
March 21, 2013
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