by Dr. Paul Stallone — Lyme disease (LD) can be a lifelong battle with many complications and setbacks. The biggest obstacle is obtaining an early and proper diagnosis. LD is often called “The Great Imitator” because it mimics numerous disorders such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and ADHD. Testing for it is […]
Tag Archives: numbness
Is dirty electricity the culprit?
February 22, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — Common symptoms that define fibromyalgia are feeling unrefreshed after sleep and cognitive dysfunction, including impaired memory or concentration and persistent muscle pain. These symptoms are the same ones that people with electrical hypersensitivity experience. Could dirty electricity be magnifying or triggering the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Recent evidence points more conclusively to […]
Treat fibromyalgia with acupuncture
September 6, 2012
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by Dr. Simon Shim and Paul Shim — “Chest out and stand up straight!” That is what I always tell people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (FM) because, in spite of modern treatment, the patient experiences widespread pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons. The area of pain is where muscles connect to bones. […]
Health updates
September 6, 2012
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The following is new information regarding vitamin D and its affects on artery disease, and using urine to diagnose disease. Vitamin D guards against artery disease Vitamin D may protect against peripheral artery disease (PAD), a disease in which fatty deposits restrict blood flow to the limbs. PAD most often reduces blood flow to the […]
Treating whiplash with myofascial release
February 24, 2012
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by Maria G. Troia — Whiplash is a nonmedical term that describes a set of symptoms usually caused by a rear-end collision, but also can be caused by sports injuries, falls or other movements where a similar rapid extension-flexion motion of the head and neck occurs. These symptoms typically include neck pain, difficulty turning the […]
August 19, 2013
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