Primal Nutrition: Paleolithic and Ancestral Diets for Optimal Health by Ron Schmid, N.D. — The human body’s innate mechanisms for healing and immunity extend beyond the mending of cuts and broken bones or recovery from colds and flu. Given the foods we evolved to thrive on — foods our ancestors knew well — the body […]
Tag Archives: nutrition
The not-so-sweet side of sugar
April 7, 2015
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The not-so-sweet side of sugar by Mary M. Ernsberger — Have you seen the commercial for high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) that compares it to regular sugar made from cane? It uses actors to represent parents and children so that you are more likely to accept what they are saying. The actor tells you that your […]
Every Day is Game Day: Train Like the Pros with a No-Holds-Barred Exercise and Nutrition Plan for Peak Performance
March 1, 2015
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Every Day is Game Day: Train Like the Pros with a No-Holds-Barred Exercise and Nutrition Plan for Peak Performance by Mark Verstegen — As founder and president of EXOS, Verstegen has trained the world’s top athletes in sports including the NFL, Major League Baseball and worldwide soccer powers, along with the most elite “tactical athletes” […]
Bone broth — the hot new trend
February 10, 2015
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Bone broth — the hot new trend by Mary Budinger — Nutrient-dense food and food as medicine — these concepts are generating heated interest with consumers who are looking to reshape their relationship with food and proactively ward off some of today’s biggest health concerns, such as obesity, heart attack, cancer and autoimmune diseases. Bone […]
Top 10 foods to keep your arteries clean
February 10, 2015
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Top 10 foods to keep your arteries clean by Dr. Jack Wolfson — As a board-certified cardiologist, I believe the best way to treat heart problems is to prevent them. When it comes to prevention, nothing is more important than proper nutrition. The best foods to eat are those that would have been available to […]
Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts and Food — the Ultimate Diet
January 5, 2015
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Loving Yourself to Great Health: Thoughts and Food — the Ultimate Diet by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane — This book is about how to craft a life that will nourish and support you and all the ways you can love yourself more. It is about ancient healing wisdom that will work with […]
Supermarket choices impact kids’ health
December 25, 2014
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Supermarket choices impact kids’ health by Dr. Nimali Fernando — According to the United States Census Bureau, supermarkets and grocery stores are a $466 billion industry. With nearly 65,000 stores nationwide, supermarkets are designed to meet the needs of those looking for convenient foods, those who want to cook from scratch and everything in between. […]
Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups?
December 21, 2014
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Can we get the nutrients we need from our food groups? by Debbie Williams — You try to do the right things nutritionally. You educate yourself, watch documentaries and click on every Facebook post regarding health. You search the Internet to find answers to keep your family healthy and even spend extra money buying organic […]
Beat Depression
August 11, 2014
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Beat Depression by Dr. Larry Wilson — Depression is one of the most common health conditions, and it is a potentially lethal one. Doctors often define it as having four of the following symptoms most of the day for at least two weeks: trouble sleeping, low energy or fatigue, significant weight or appetite changes, constant […]
Our fatal attraction to sugar
June 9, 2014
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Our fatal attraction to sugar by Mary Budinger — Most of us are sugar addicts. Sugar triggers endorphins and makes us feel good. For many of us, sugar is one of the most addictive substances in the world; two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. One can of soda has 39 grams of sugar — […]
Vegetables vs. Fruit
June 9, 2014
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Vegetables vs. Fruit by Dr. Larry Wilson — We often hear, “Eat your fruits and vegetables.” This statement implies that vegetables and fruits have equal benefits, but in my clinical experience, nothing could be further from the truth. Consuming a large amount of cooked vegetables is vital for deep healing. In contrast, eating any fruits […]
Nutrition and Mental Health
May 29, 2014
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Nutrition and Mental Health by Dr. Larry Wilson — Nutritional and lifestyle factors play a critical role in emotional as well as physical health. In fact, the root of many problems can be a nutritional imbalance. This article is a brief introduction to some major nutritional imbalances related to depression, anxiety and ADHD. These include […]
Understand food labels
April 17, 2014
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Understand food labels by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Food labels are managed in tandem by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which handles meats, animal products, grains and produce, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which oversees grocery items and the labels related to nutrition characteristics, like calories, fat content and vitamins. These […]
December 31, 2015
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