by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — Far too often, I hear from a patient that he or she was never told that there was an alternative — such as regenerative medicine — to surgery and joint replacement. It is particularly sad when a patient has had replacement medicine and is still in pain. This article […]
Tag Archives: ozone
Skin and vitamin C
September 9, 2012
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by Tammy Shetterly — As the body’s largest organ, the skin is an outward sign of inner health; therefore, the same poor lifestyle choices that negatively affect the heart and lungs also damage the strength and health of our skin. Smoking, over-consumption of carbonated and/or alcoholic beverages, and sleep depravation decrease the amount of blood, […]
Medical ozone treatments: could you benefit?
August 19, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — The human body can survive for a month without food, and days without water. But without oxygen, the body cannot survive beyond several minutes. Oxygen is the body’s most immediate need. Dr. Otto Warburg, a German biochemist, discovered in the 1920s that diseases and degeneration can be prevented through proper […]
Do you pop pain pills for arthritis?
March 1, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Anyone who has arthritis knows how difficult it can be to treat. The usual palliative treatment includes pills, creams or a tough-it-out attitude. Yet over-the-counter pills barely work and/or last only a few hours, while prescription drugs may cause a multitude of side effects and be dangerous. Many find that […]
Treat the cause of arthritis, not the symptoms
February 28, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Are you suffering from arthritis? Has your life become a painful struggle? Would you do almost anything to be free of the hurt? There is an answer, a cutting-edge therapy that will help relieve your arthritis pain at the source. When discussing arthritis treatment choices, you typically have two options: […]
Regenerative joint therapy with Prolozone
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — If you suffer from any form of musculoskeletal or joint pain, including painful knees, hips, back, rotator cuffs or shoulders, or if you have been suffering from degenerative hips, knees or arthritis, Prolozone can offer much needed relief. Prolozone is a modification of Prolotherapy and can also be referred to […]
March 24, 2013
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