by Dr. J. Michael Pece — Serrapeptase is a relatively new supplement that is gaining wide recognition among medical providers for its anti-inflammatory, pain relieving and fibrolytic (breaking down fibrin, scar tissue, atherosclerosis, etc.) effects. The Serratia peptidase enzyme was discovered in the early 1970s in silkworm intestines. The silkworm uses this enzyme (Serratia E15 […]
Tag Archives: pain relievers
When the game is over but pain is left
December 14, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — For most fans, football is much more than a game. It may remind them of the quality time they spent with their own fathers and teammates, or it may have been the first time they were part of a team and felt pride in something bigger than themselves. Most men […]
March 17, 2013
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