by Laurie Breeden — The IM=X Pilates program blends the best of Pilates with strength training and cardiovascular conditioning — a combination that provides faster results. Sessions combine resistance training, stretching, aerobic activity and muscle strengthening to achieve fast, consistent results. IM=X, which stands for Integrated Movement Xercize, incorporates principles of Pilates along with more […]
Tag Archives: Pilates
Cannot get to the gym? Pop in a DVD!
July 15, 2012
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by Scott White — Ever since Jane Fonda got us moving to her aerobics in the ‘80s, workout videos have been a part of most people’s exercise routines at one time or another. Of course, we have moved to DVDs, but the selection available today is so varied that no matter what your exercise preference, […]
Solving the chronic pain puzzle
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Warner — Pain is a significant problem for many people, and the way too many of us deal with it is either by taking medication to temporarily relieve the pain or ignoring it altogether. Foolishly hoping the pain will go away without taking any action is an even bigger problem, often contributing […]
March 4, 2013
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