by Rochelle Sparrow — As I was jogging with my husband the other day, it was a typical day with sparkling sunshine flowing in front of our shoes on the sidewalk. However, my husband hardly seemed to notice the beauty because he was agitated over the political conditions in Iraq. His agitaition was clearly justified, […]
Tag Archives: polarity
The positive negative side of polarity
February 29, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — The story goes that positive is good and negative is bad. Yet, how can this be true if our bodies have both positive and negative polarities? Indeed, the positive and negative poles work in unison with our body to keep it balanced. Think about how good it feels to swim in […]
Using positive focus for great results
February 27, 2012
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by Ada Porat — Is there a situation or circumstance in your life that you would like to turn around? By focusing the power of your thoughts, you can accomplish amazing outcomes. The vibrational power of words and thoughts powerfully affects your experience of life. Science shows that all mental states are accompanied by vibration […]
September 20, 2013
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