by Morgana Rae — It is a new year, so why not take a holiday from your “gremlin?” You know that nasty inner critic that tells you that you are not good enough? The one constantly detailing the reasons you cannot have the love/wealth/success/happiness you want, and encouraging you to procrastinate? Who dismisses your accomplishments? […]
Tag Archives: procrastinate
The truth about procrastination and what to do about it
October 10, 2012
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by Dr. James McClernan — In our high-speed, computerized, polluted, congested environment, with its economic and political uncertainties and threats of war, we are told we must try to look younger than 30 and stay fit, or the stress of it all will kill us. At the same time, how-to books, media gurus and celebrities […]
Listen to your heart — it knows best
July 25, 2012
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by Kandi and Faith — How many times have you asked yourself whether you said or did the right thing in a given situation? A more appropriate question would be, “Did I use my head, or listen to my heart?” Most of us have been brought up to think with our heads. Our parents, teachers, […]
Ambivalence: the Universe and the Multiverse
March 1, 2012
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by Sherry Anshara — Wishy-washy; on the fence; cannot make up your mind; what to do, what to do? This is a form of procrastination and the things you say when you are unsure of yourself. In turn, you are also telling the Universe, as well as the multi-faceted Multiverse (the aggregate of all existing […]
Do you control your thoughts or do they control you?
February 25, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — Think about your thoughts. Where do they lead you? Do you let them help you soar to new heights? Or do you allow them to control your mind, attitudes, emotions, desires and decisions in a negative way? Consider some of the scenarios below, and see if you can relate to them. […]
October 19, 2012
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