by Deanna Melnychuk — Rosemary Feitis writes in the forword of Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s book, Rolfing: Reestablishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being (1989), “The technique [of rolfing] is powerful, and the resultant changes are far-reaching. Rolfing enters into the body’s process and changes its course. […]
Tag Archives: range of movement
Are you driving your body with the brakes on?
July 14, 2012
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by Mary Peterson — Our bodies come equipped with a complex system of interconnected tissue that runs like a web from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. This “fascia” covers every other system and structure, creating compartments that unify the body to give it strength and support. When an injury […]
May 5, 2013
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