by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — A recent development in hi-tech, natural relaxation therapy virtually guarantees deep relaxation during your dental treatment. By using a combination of sound (audio) therapy, cranial-electro stimulation with microcurrent, special nutriceuticals and visual field blinders, your nervous system can be calmed in minutes, as never before. You can be certain […]
Tag Archives: relaxation therapy
Change your mind; change your life
March 5, 2012
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by Julie Funke — Can you name a noninvasive therapy that’s now used in the treatment of cancer, arthritis, anxiety and even heart disease? Complementary in nature, this therapy is embraced by retirees and Generation X-ers alike. With its roots in Shamanism, as well as ancient Egyptian and Asian dynasties, Edgar Cayce used it as […]
February 26, 2014
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