by Richard Cheu — Wellness for chronically ill people is not an oxymoron — it is an achievable goal. Last year, 140 million Americans, or 46 percent of the population, suffered from a chronic condition. By 2030, it is projected that more than half of all Americans will be chronically ill, according to the Robert […]
Tag Archives: religion
Getting it up for God, each other and our planet
February 13, 2013
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by Scott Grace — Lately I have coached several people who were quite “dis-couraged” (removed from their courage) by the insanity, greed and destruction going down on the planet. Then throw in such things as the hurricane, climate change and personal financial woes. As such, depression and despair currently exist in epidemic proportions, and many […]
What type of meditation is best for you?
February 23, 2012
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by Patricia Monaghan — In 1902, the great American philosopher, William James, published a seminal book, Varieties of Religious Experience. Not being religious himself, he asked a number of people what the term “religion” meant to them. Not surprisingly, he found that this common word held many meanings, ranging from piety to mysticism to saintliness. […]
June 3, 2013
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