by Jim Hamilton — America is a country of vast natural resources, the most important of which are her people. Normally, the riches of a country are tallied by what can be mined, shipped, stripped, pumped, cut or wrested from the earth. However, because humans possess the capacity for thought and the capacity to produce […]
Tag Archives: resistance
Let wisdom work
March 17, 2013
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by Katie Davis — A radical opportunity exists for all of us — recognizing the key to world transformation is an inner power. The question is, “What are we willing to surrender to let wisdom work?” Ramana Maharshi, a revered sage of modern India, wrote, “By your grace alone, my heart lotus blossoms. Then, I […]
Elevate your sport performance
October 16, 2012
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by Laurie Breeden — In sports competitions, having the edge means winning. Integrated Movement eXercize (IM=X) is a cross-training system that integrates resistance and cardiovascular training into Pilates moves, and can help you win. It is designed to increase flexibility, endurance and muscle tone while strengthening the spine and abdominal core. The regimen complements traditional […]
Where attention goes, energy flows
September 8, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Tuning in to your energy through focused breathing and other practices such as yoga, tai chi, meditation, or stillness and contemplation, is the beginning of healing imbalances in the mind/body. Where attention goes, energy flows; the mind begins to heal the body through intention. As you learn to listen to the […]
This infinite living moment
February 25, 2012
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by Barbara K. Richardson — Change — even the possibility of change — is often accompanied by uncertainty, fear and anxiety. But when we are able to move beyond our initial resistance, another perspective comes into view: we have change to thank for making life bearable. Actually, more than bearable — wonderful. So many spiritual […]
July 4, 2013
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