by Larry Hartstein — Modern science and philosophy now show that our thoughts and our frame of mind are the most important components of our successes. Our deeply held beliefs are the filters that determine how fully we experience life. If we focus on the negative, we will see only the negative. If we focus […]
Tag Archives: self-criticism
While on my way to church …
December 5, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — One day I was on my way to church to give an inspirational talk and sing a few songs. Having received a license in the mail a few weeks earlier that claimed I was now an officially ordained minister, I was excited to be giving my first legal sermon. (I had […]
The seven habits of highly dramatic people
September 10, 2012
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by Scott Kalechstein — Do gratitude, contentment and inner peace sometimes creep up on you and undermine your ability to indulge your anxiety? Here’s a quick and handy two-step process to make sure you get your M.D.R. (minimum daily requirements) of worry and chaos. Step One: Believe and act like your safety, security and happiness […]
January 8, 2014
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