by Wayne Purdin — What is it about the setting sun? We have all seen it countless times in movies, read about it in novels and, perhaps, experienced it in our own lives. Two lovers drink in a gorgeous sunset, then turn to gaze into each others’ eyes — the perfect moment for a first […]
Tag Archives: seratonin
Are meds killing your libido?
September 3, 2012
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by Dr. Ann Lovick — Can something you take every day disrupt your sex life? Absolutely! Medications are one of the most common libido killers. When meds are prescribed or taken over-the-counter, most people do not consider the side effects that go with them. We usually just want symptom relief and blame our low sex […]
Brighten your outlook with light therapy
March 5, 2012
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by Wayne H. Purdin — Scientists have a knack for discovering what people intuitively already know. One such discovery is that bright light improves our moods and lack of sunlight, for extended periods of time, causes depression. Lack of sunlight might not be a problem for Arizonans, but in some parts of the country, it […]
Intermittent fasting and delayed aging
February 25, 2012
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by Dr. Mark Force — Those with characteristically long life spans tend to eat in moderation and fast periodically. These forms of caloric restriction have been studied extensively in lab animals, and the results are very convincing. Lab animals on caloric-restricted diets or those on regimens of fasting or intermittent fasting (IF) lived longer and […]
A sensitive issue
February 25, 2012
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by Chris M. Lyon — Do you feel that you are deeply affected by other people or situations in your life, or do you know a loved one who feels that way? Well-known psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung called a person who experiences life like this a “sensitive.” Dr. Elaine Aron coined the term “highly sensitive […]
December 21, 2012
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