by Ada Porat — The activities of our solar system can have far-reaching effects on Earth and its inhabitants. In recent years, scientists have discovered that solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun can have a severe impact on weather patterns and all of Earth’s life forms. When charged emissions from the sun […]
Tag Archives: sleep disorders
Is dirty electricity the culprit?
February 22, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — Common symptoms that define fibromyalgia are feeling unrefreshed after sleep and cognitive dysfunction, including impaired memory or concentration and persistent muscle pain. These symptoms are the same ones that people with electrical hypersensitivity experience. Could dirty electricity be magnifying or triggering the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Recent evidence points more conclusively to […]
Sleepless in Phoenix
August 5, 2012
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by Dr. David Parrish — The National Sleep Foundation recently released figures from their 2007 “Sleep in America” poll that most of us would find disturbing. This large, random survey, focusing on the workplace and productivity showed that Americans are working later and sleeping less — a dangerous combination that can cause drowsiness while driving, […]
Rethinking the developmental learning process
February 27, 2012
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by Vanessa Chamberlain — Over the last decade, mental health professionals, childhood advocates, parents and educators alike, have reported a decreased satisfaction in the way we teach our children. Further, and perhaps more importantly, our children are letting us know very loudly and clearly through their behaviors (childhood’s primary language) that rote, standardized, end-user academics […]
May 15, 2013
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