Decrease your time sitting to improve your health by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If you work in an office and spend most of your day in front of a computer, you might spend less time sitting by using a standing workstation. A study published in the journal Preventive Medicine analyzed 23 active desk studies and […]
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The powerful blueberry
February 10, 2016
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The powerful blueberry by Joanne Henning Tedesco — As one of the few fruits native to North America, blueberries have been enjoyed here for hundreds of years. Blueberries range in vibrant colors from deep purple-blue to blue-black and are highlighted by a silvery sheen called a bloom. They have virtually no fat, are low in […]
Why do we get sick?
February 10, 2016
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Why do we get sick? by Sherry Anshara — Many factors can contribute to the cause of an illness. Rarely is there a single answer. The good news is that you can get information from yourself, as your body has many of the answers. This depends, however, upon how well thought out your questions are, […]
Losing weight from the inside with hormonal balance
February 10, 2016
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Losing weight from the inside with hormonal balance by Dr. Paul Stallone — When the pounds start to show and our waistbands get a little tight is when most of us start to consider losing a few extra pounds. This time of year is notorious for weight-loss programs. Now that the holidays are over and […]
Keys to finding balance in life
February 10, 2016
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Keys to finding balance in life by Emmanuel Dagher — Part of staying in alignment — keeping your outer life in balance with your true values — is remaining honest with yourself and others. A business that does not operate from integrity often does not succeed. Being transparent, open and honest will be a […]
Surgeries skyrocket due to NSAIDs
February 10, 2016
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Surgeries skyrocket due to NSAIDs by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — If you have ever had a painful joint, such as the hip, knee, shoulder or low back, your doctor may have prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). These drugs are among the most commonly used drugs in the world for the treatment of osteoarthritis […]
A Guide to Longevity
February 10, 2016
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A Guide to Longevity by Dr. Larry Wilson — In this article, I offer some guidelines for getting on a path toward maximum human development and, subsequently, a longer lifespan. The suggestions below will give you food for thought and cover many aspects of life. This article is short and to the point, as we are […]
Love yourself more by being assertive with your dialogue
December 9, 2015
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Love yourself more by being assertive with your dialogue by Linda Marsanico — Let us talk about assertion and internal dialogue because they are intimately involved in developing self-love. Assertion is getting your needs met while respecting the rights of others. Internal dialogue is your internal stream of thoughts that stem from your ego. Assertion […]
Exercises for sleeker, stronger arms
December 9, 2015
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Exercises for sleeker, stronger arms by Joanne Henning Tedesco — If your upper arms are starting to sag, simple upper-arm exercises using hand weights can tone up your arms in about four to six weeks. To do these exercises, choose weights that are heavy enough to fatigue you somewhere between 12 and 15 repetitions. If […]
What if love did not have to be so hard?
December 9, 2015
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What if love did not have to be so hard? by SARK — I met John on a cruise. He had no idea who I was or that I had sold millions of books around the world. He told me that he had been deeply in love once before and the honeymoon had never ended, […]
The Phytonutrient Diet
December 7, 2015
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The Phytonutrient Diet by Dr. Larry Wilson — Most people are mineral-starved today, and their digestive systems are weak. The phytonutrient diet, as explained in this article, is the only way I know to counteract these dietary problems and obtain the nutrients we all need. Principles 1. Eat at least three meals daily and […]
February 10, 2016
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