by Sherry Anshara — What does it mean to put your best face forward? It means to begin truly seeing the greatness of yourself and the great face you have. The fact is, this is your only face, so you are always putting your best face forward. Yours is the face you chose for this […]
Tag Archives: smile
How to look your best for social media photographs
September 2, 2012
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by Kathryn Kelly — The social media sites (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Linked-In, Instagram and Google) have put a whole new twist on the pressure to look good in photos. Never has your face been more on display — from people you went to grammar school with to colleagues to extended family. So how can you […]
Facial exercises for mouth lines
August 12, 2012
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Lips always give away a person’s true age. As we age, our lips lose their fullness starting as early as our thirties, long before those pesky lines begin to appear around our mouths. Doing lip exercises regularly helps develop the underused muscles around the mouth, thus strengthening the muscles that create the lips’ outline. Exercises […]
Good enough
February 25, 2012
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by Karen S. Adams — How many tasks have you started yet never completed because you did not think they were going to turn out perfectly? We may be aware that perfection is forever out of reach, but that does not stop us from trying to achieve it. Manufacturers use employees to check for imperfections […]
Six things that will help you have a good day
February 24, 2012
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by Irene Conlan — When was the last time you had a really good day? Hmmm. Been a while? Perhaps it is time to take control and make a good day happen. Take a moment to think about what would make your day better — maybe even great. What would that be? Seeing the face […]
January 31, 2013
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