Smoothie Power: Creative and Refreshing Fruit and Vegetable Combinations by Robert Oser — Smoothies are a great source of nutrition, using mostly fresh ingredients that are full of nutrients and enzymes. They also are economical to make, timesaving in the kitchen and require little culinary experience. Oser presents more than 100 recipes that combine colorful […]
Tag Archives: smoothies
Eating wild
August 17, 2012
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by Doreen Pollack — Have you ever wanted to eat the weeds you pulled from your yard but you were afraid to — for fear they were toxic? Or perhaps you want to eat more locally — from sources that are no further than your yard or the neighbors’. Or maybe you are a die-hard […]
The ultimate slim-down guide
February 27, 2012
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by Christina Jordan — Every year, millions of people make a commitment to slim down in time for summer but, sadly, most do not succeed. One reason, of course, is that it can be difficult to lose weight. In fact, research from Johns Hopkins is predicting a possible 75 percent obesity rate in the U.S. […]
September 29, 2015
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