Tag Archives: soft-tissue techniques

Pregnant women urged to reconsider using pain meds

October 1, 2012

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by Dr. James Bogash It is no secret that taking medications during pregnancy is risky. The dangers of pain relievers to a developing baby are well known. For years, the most widely recommended over-the-counter pain reliever has been Tylenol®. Newly published research suggests that as much as 7 percent of childhood asthma may be linked […]

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Are you driving your body with the brakes on?

July 14, 2012

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by Mary Peterson —  Our bodies come equipped with a complex system of interconnected tissue that runs like a web from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. This “fascia” covers every other system and structure, creating compartments that unify the body to give it strength and support. When an injury […]

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