by Dr. Warren M. Levin — If you have been traipsing from one doctor’s office to another with a potpourri of symptoms ranging from rashes to achy joints to arthritis, chronic flu, fatigue, sore throat and headaches, to name just a few, you might have Lyme disease. Lyme disease gets its name from the town […]
Tag Archives: sore throat
Natural seasonal helpers for allergies
September 4, 2012
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by Shalon Utah — The runny nose … the itchy, watery eyes … when they hit, you know it is here — allergy season. And because of the diverse plant life across the country, it seems almost no one can escape these annoying symptoms. Allergies are initiated when the immune system attacks substances such as […]
A new spin on old remedies
March 1, 2012
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by Elaine Haynik — Editor’s Note: Check with your health care provider before taking any new remedies or supplements. The first ingredient in the recipe for a healthy life is a happy, grateful mindset. Rather than focusing on unsatisfying relationships or your disappointments and problems, try simply moving on. Set your mind and thoughts to […]
Colds and flu prevention
February 23, 2012
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Many scientific studies have repeatedly found that there is little or no evidence backing flu vaccines as an effective flu-prevention strategy. Evidence is mounting in support of vitamin D as a potential cold and flu prevention strategy. However, optimizing your vitamin D levels through regular sun exposure is preferred, as the sun imparts health benefits […]
January 22, 2013
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