Sacred Sound: Discovering the Myth & Meaning of Mantra & Kirtan by Alanna Kaivalya — In yoga practice, mantra and kirtan (call-and-response devotional chanting) are uncommon in the West because they are not well understood, though they are an integral part of almost every Eastern spiritual practice. They are designed to provide access into the […]
Tag Archives: sound
Sound therapy healing — New technology for an ancient art
November 2, 2012
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by Harold Gill — From ancient time to present day, sound and music have been used to influence humans physically, emotionally and spiritually. Native peoples used drums during ceremonies both to relax and to stimulate. In early North American cultures, a baby attending its first ceremony was comforted when it heard the drum, as the […]
Better health with color, light, sound and aroma
September 12, 2012
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by Dr. Renee Waldman — How have you handled the challenges of preparing for a test, race, promotion or class reunion? Whether you are aspiring to lose weight, improve your fitness, increase mental acuity or achieve greater emotional resilience, nearly everyone has, at one time or another, pursued a self-set goal. When we encounter perceived […]
Hmmm … a sound tool for healing
September 12, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — Remember when you were a child and your mother’s soft voice could calm any upset; or the gentle humming sound your father made while holding you, that could lull you to sleep? Our true natures respond to sound. Since ancient times, musical instruments have been used in healing. Rattles and chimes […]
Calming your baby naturally
March 5, 2012
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by Sunny Wight — Have you ever heard a colicky baby cry? Colic is a condition that occurs when a healthy, well-fed baby frequently cries or fusses for long periods of time, sometimes hours. New parents are already tired enough without adding the stress and frustration that come with being unable to calm their baby. […]
The healing power of sound
February 28, 2012
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by Stacey Badger — Sound — it surrounds us. As long as we live in the physical world, we are in the presence of sound. Even if we do not hear sounds, we feel them as vibrations, which can move our hearts and bring us to tears. Or they can cause us to feel uneasy […]
September 3, 2014
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