by Jill Mattson — People’s voices contain a wealth of information, energy and hidden messages that we can instantly access. “There is a sense within us that can understand language spoken without words,” said Sufi Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He advised that we can sense the evolution of a person with only one piece of […]
Tag Archives: sound healing
Healing with sound
September 9, 2012
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by Sunanda Harrell-Stokes — Every cell in our body is a sound resonator. Every cell lives in a rhythmic pattern. Each organ has its own cycle and its own pulse. Each system has a cycle, rhythm, pattern and pulse. We exist in a world of vibration. Sound healing seeks to harmonize, balance and reconnect the […]
Spying on subconscious feelings
August 15, 2012
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by Jill Mattson — We spend our formative years in school developing our rational minds, but our emotions receive no formal attention. High divorce rates, job loss, employment stress, accidents, deaths, personal struggles, changing hormones, financial problems and health issues can challenge anyone’s emotional health. Yet, as a society, we stubbornly treat the development of […]
Ancient sounds — modern healing
August 14, 2012
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by Jill Mattson — Widely diverse theories on the nature of our universe agree on one intriguing aspect: Everything in nature has a vibrational component. Masters and visionaries throughout time — from Edgar Cayce to Stephen Hawking, mystics from Ancient Egypt and India to Deepak Chopra — share a belief in the basic tenet that, […]
May 27, 2013
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