by Dr. Tricia Pingel — More than 74 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. And as any person who is diagnosed with high blood pressure can tell you — it is frightening. Once diagnosed, many patients are placed on medications, such as diuretics. These medications deplete the body […]
Tag Archives: soybeans
What we need to know about genetically engineered foods
December 13, 2012
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by Rose Montana — Food derived from genetically engineered (GE) crops entered the U.S. food supply sometime after 1996, the year in which the first GE crops were planted. Chemical companies, including Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and BASF, that produce these never-before-in-the-history-of-planet-Earth organisms have succeeded in keeping most consumers in the dark regarding genetically modified organisms […]
GE sugar is here
July 19, 2012
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Genetically engineered (GE) sugar will soon be in your cereal, drinks, ice cream and sugar bowl. This unnatural product will harm your body sooner than you think. American Crystal, a large Wyoming-based sugar company, that ironically has launched an “organic” line of sugar, and several other leading U.S. sugar providers have announced they will be […]
Just say no to GMOs — what you need to know
April 12, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Genetically modified (GM) foods are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are formulated in a laboratory where genes are taken from one species and inserted into another, in an attempt to obtain a desired characteristic or trait. Often referred to as Frankenfoods, GMOs are chemical-laden seeds that alter and disrupt […]
Health updates: Loneliness and veggie burgers
February 26, 2012
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The following is new information regarding the affects of loneliness on blood pressure, plus veggie burgers to avoid. The physical toll of loneliness Loneliness does not just affect your mind; it can also cause problems with your blood pressure. Researchers surveyed 230 people aged 50 to 68. They were asked to rate their feelings about […]
June 29, 2013
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