by Jo Johnston, Ph.D. — The powers of hypnotism, an altered state of consciousness, have fascinated humans since the beginning of time, and were recognized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and by native tribes in all parts of the world. The phenomenon we know as hypnosis has been, and still is, called by many […]
Tag Archives: state of consciousness
Ancient sounds — modern healing
August 14, 2012
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by Jill Mattson — Widely diverse theories on the nature of our universe agree on one intriguing aspect: Everything in nature has a vibrational component. Masters and visionaries throughout time — from Edgar Cayce to Stephen Hawking, mystics from Ancient Egypt and India to Deepak Chopra — share a belief in the basic tenet that, […]
Rhythmic connected breathing technique for meditation
July 14, 2012
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by Christina Drozda — Rhythmic connected breathing is a five-minute technique that can be activated in the privacy of your home, office, or any place you feel you can relax without being disturbed. You may either sit or lie down, making sure you are comfortable and ready to receive. You may want to light candles, […]
January 14, 2013
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