by Dr. Nael Dagstani — Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has many more uses than treating scuba diver decompression sickness, otherwise known as the bends. In fact, there are 13 FDA-approved uses for hyperbaric oxygen, and many more conditions have proven to be beneficially affected by HBOT. A recent landmark study conducted at the University of […]
Tag Archives: stem cells
Platelet rich plasma therapy
September 3, 2012
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by Dr. Fred G. Arnold — Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a revolutionary new treatment that relieves pain by promoting long-lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. The healing properties of PRP therapy are attributed to the increased concentration of growth factors and secretory proteins that enhance the healing process on a cellular level. PRP therapy […]
New hope for Parkinson’s
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Hayle T. Aldren — Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in high-profile celebrities, like Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali, has raised awareness that this debilitating, neuro-degenerative disease is second only to Alzheimer’s in occurrence and can affect relatively young people. But most are still unaware that new research shows how natural treatments can favorably influence […]
November 15, 2012
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