by Ada Porat — Are you getting your seven hours of free time a day? According to new research from Direct Line Insurance, seven hours — or six hours 59 minutes to be precise — is the minimum we need for a perfect work/life balance. The reality, of course, is a different matter. On average, […]
Tag Archives: stimulants
Have low metabolic energy?
July 31, 2013
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by Julia Busch — A wide variety of seemingly unrelated symptoms — hair loss, forgetfulness, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, sleep problems, slow healing, dulled senses, feeling cold and fatigued — can result from low metabolic energy (LME). Symptoms can include nonspecific aches, weak ligaments and bones, sexual dysfunction, numb hands and feet, […]
If it is not broke, why are you trying to fix it?
January 3, 2013
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by Mary M. Ernsberger — Can you imagine the world without the telephone? What about electricity, the light bulb or Disneyland? How about the telescope or E=MC2 or the automobile? Then there’s the airplane, chewing gum and “Star Wars.” Do you know what all of these inventions have in common? Each of their inventors stood […]
ADHD treatment without drugs
February 29, 2012
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by Dr. Martha Grout — The stimulant-type prescription drug initially used for ADHD treatment originated in Russia during the Second World War and was developed to enable soldiers to stay awake longer. These stimulants quickly morphed into methamphetamine, known around the world as meth or speed. Stimulants also became the drug used to treat ADHD. […]
What is holistic health?
February 25, 2012
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by Paula Owens — People of all ages are concerned about the many aspects of their health: how they feel, how they look, disease prevention, as well as quality of life. Unfortunately, a major part of society has been brainwashed to believe in the concept of eating less fat, excessive exercise, Botox injections or pharmaceutical […]
August 21, 2013
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