What is your stomach trying to tell you? by Mary Budinger — Got heartburn? Pop an antacid — no, wait. Even though we see those TV commercials touting antacids all the time, if you want to be healthy, that is exactly the wrong thing to do. Our stomachs are designed to be acid chambers. The […]
Tag Archives: stomach acid
Digestion: GERD is a very common problem
February 20, 2013
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by Dr. Mona Morstein — Last year, Pharmacy Times published a list of the top-selling pharmacy drugs for 2010, and Nexium®, a proton-pump inhibitor used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), or heartburn, was in the number two spot. The sales of Nexium brought in more than 6 billion dollars to AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company […]
Glutathione: A powerful weapon against cancer and aging
September 10, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — Of all the antioxidants our body makes, glutathione is probably the most important. In fact, our lives depend on it. Without it, our cells would disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation — free radical damage. Our bodies would have very little resistance to bacteria and viruses, and our livers would shrivel up […]
Bulimia’s devastating effects on teeth
September 3, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — An often hidden condition, bulimia can have very devastating effects on one’s teeth. The regurgitation of food carries with it a significant amount of stomach acids. Over time, these acids dissolve the surfaces of the teeth in such a slow manner that it is almost imperceptible. One day, however, a […]
Calcium and vitamin D means better protection
August 18, 2012
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by Dr. J. Ann Dunn — Conventional medicine says that we need to take 1,500 mg of calcium every day to fight osteoporosis. But the truth is more complicated than that. There is evidence that we probably don’t need to take any more than we would find in a quality multivitamin. A recent study looked […]
How to unstuff that “turkey”
February 28, 2012
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — It is part of the holiday tradition — a family member or friend leans back in his chair, loosens his belt and proclaims with a sigh, “I ate too much.” Does this refrain sound familiar? In fact, the average American consumes 3,000 calories during his holiday meal. That is double […]
August 27, 2014
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