Hope After Suicide: One Woman’s Journey from Darkness to Light by Wendy Parmley — Reinvent your definition of saved, perfect and forgiveness as you read this true narrative of a woman opening her heart years after her mother’s suicide and how you can learn to overcome any loss in your own life. After her mother […]
Tag Archives: suicide
Releasing Traumas
May 11, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson – Traumatic events can be the primary cause of physical and mental illness. This article will discuss how traumas take hold and offers an effective method for trauma release. What are traumas? Traumas are incidents or events of a physical and/or emotional nature that can be so stressful to people that […]
Meditation, not medication
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Warner — For decades, antidepressants have been the mainstay treatment for depression, an approach that has garnered significant criticism over the years from those who believe the drugs are widely overprescribed and unsafe. For example, in some cases, antidepressants appear to actually increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and/or behaviors, certainly not […]
Hepatitis C virus
February 23, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Being told by your physician that you have the hepatitis C virus (HCV) — the number one reason for a liver transplant in the United States — could leave you temporarily speechless, particularly if you do not exhibit any of the symptoms. However, most people diagnosed with HCV do not […]
January 20, 2015
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