by Dr. Mark Starr — One of the most common problems in medicine today is the testing for hypothyroidism. Blood tests often indicate you are OK when you are not. Blood tests measure the amount of thyroid hormones, TSH, circulating in our blood. Typically the tests indicate normal values. But it is not the amount […]
Tag Archives: T4
Fibromyalgia: The elusive hypometabolic disease
September 6, 2012
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by Dr. Cristina Romero-Bosch — This controversial condition was first recognized by the American Medical Association as recently as 1987. It is defined by the presence of disperse body pain and tenderness with often debilitating fatigue and depression. Fibromyalgia is currently a condition that is ineffectively treated and, at times, even ignored. Despite being present […]
The connection between pain and hormones
September 4, 2012
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by Dr. Mark Starr — If you have been trying to rid your body of pain and so far nothing has worked, the problem may be that you are low thyroid, or hypothyroid. The vast majority of people with chronic pain are low thyroid. Increasingly today, people are hypothyroid because the cells in their body […]
September 10, 2012
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