by Sandy Jones — When you think about fear, what comes to mind? Jumping out of the way of an oncoming train? Walking down a dark alley at night, or a very bumpy ride in an airplane? What about the kind of fear that stops you from calling about that job you saw advertised in […]
Tag Archives: unknown
Making powerful decisions
April 12, 2012
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by Ada Porat — “Every option seems to have a down side. How do I know which is best? I just do not know what to do,” a friend recently complained. She was caught in a quandary. After losing a well-paying job and pounding the pavement for months to find another, an excellent opportunity came […]
The Mayan calendar and 12.21.2012
February 29, 2012
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by Michelle Karén — The Mayans had two calendars: the Tun calendar, or short count, and the Tzolkin calendar, or long count. The Tun calendar was a personal calendar. It revealed one’s personal destiny. The Tzolkin calendar was the sacred calendar. A calendar is central to any society because it defines the way we view […]
April 12, 2013
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