by Mary Budinger — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued the first standards for what food companies can label as “gluten-free.” Until now, manufacturers have been able to use their own discretion as to how much gluten they include. Gluten-free products will have to contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. […]
Tag Archives: wheat
Is a gluten-free diet in your future?
March 1, 2013
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — Is someone you know on a gluten-free diet? It is quite possible that person has celiac disease, an intolerance to gluten that causes damage to the intestine. Gluten is found in the following grains: wheat, rye, barley and wheat-related grains such as triticale, kamut and spelt. Oats, although they do not […]
Beer — Drink to your health
January 23, 2013
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by Dr. Mark Force — Alcohol consumption can be a healthy habit, in spite of all we hear to the contrary. Because we are constantly exposed to the negatives, there’s no need to list the health and societal problems tied to consuming alcohol. Instead, let’s explore the benefits of light to moderate alcohol consumption — […]
Living with celiac disease
September 2, 2012
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by Dr. Tricia Pingel — We are seeing an upswing in the availability of gluten-free products. Whether it is in the grocery store or at a restaurant, the options for maintaining a gluten-free diet have increased, compared to just a few years ago. Gluten is a common name for the proteins found in all forms […]
Easing Inflammation
September 2, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Inflammation is usually a normal process whereby the body responds to stress by sending more blood and macrophages to an area and secreting certain chemicals, such as histamine, that irritate the tissues to a degree. This is part of the normal response to stress. — However, problems can develop if […]
A gluten-free diet may help ADHD
March 1, 2012
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Many children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do not respond well to most grains, especially wheat. This could be because they have advanced celiac disease, which impacts an average of one out of every 133 people in the U.S. (However, studies have found that this number may be as high as 1 in 33 […]
Solutions for the three most common food allergies
March 1, 2012
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by Dr. Philip Wazny — Mention the words “food allergies” and most of us probably imagine those kids who get near a peanut butter sandwich only to have massive swelling around the eyes and throat, followed by difficulty breathing and hives. The constellation of these symptoms make up what is known as an anaphylactic reaction, […]
The top 10 ingredients to avoid eating
February 28, 2012
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by Paula Owens — If you include packaged foods in your diet, you will benefit greatly from learning to read the ingredients labels before making your purchases. The majority of these highly processed foods contain chemicals, additives, sugars and fats that are harmful and cause adverse health conditions and complaints. Here are the top 10 […]
Tricks for a gluten-free Thanksgiving
February 25, 2012
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by LynnRae Ries — Thanksgiving is a time of sharing fun, family and definitely food, but it can be challenging for those with wheat and gluten allergies. Keep your holidays gluten-free and food-allergy safe by following a few simple guidelines. 1. Start searching early for easy recipes that allow for simple ingredient substitutions. 2. Read […]
Are symptoms related to foods?
February 25, 2012
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by Paula Owens — At least 80 percent of my female clients complain of lower abdominal bloating, and 70 to 80 percent of male clientele report suffering from indigestion or chronic sinus issues. Did you know that the leading cause of obesity is food sensitivity, and 60 to 80 percent of the population is sensitive […]
Should you avoid gluten?
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Chances are you have heard about gluten and the benefits of eliminating it from your diet. But do you know what gluten is and why it is bad for your health? Gluten is a substance made up of the proteins found in wheat flour. Gluten is truly only found in […]
November 26, 2013
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