by JoAnn Clinton — In this day of corporate downsizing, restructuring and acquisitions, many individuals fall victim to fears fostered by corporate America and never step into their power. Claiming and living up to one’s potential is an extremely daunting task for anyone, especially a lightworker. Lightworkers may be embedded in corporate America for several […]
Tag Archives: workplace
Relieve stress with massage in the workplace
March 5, 2012
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by Nina Laveson — “Stress in the workplace has been labeled the number one health problem in the United States, with costs to American industry estimated at billions of dollars,” said Dr. Paul J. Rosch, a clinical professor of medicine and psychiatry at New York Medical College and president of The American Institute of Stress […]
Sitting and stretching behind the desk
February 27, 2012
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by Jacklien Salas — The majority of people in today’s workplace spend much of their time sitting in front of computers. Some might sit facing forward with good posture, but most of us do not. Many will twist their bodies to the side in unnatural positions. This contortion can result in fatigued muscles that can […]
Medical Marijuana
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — In November 2010, voters will decide whether to legalize medical marijuana in Arizona, but is it safe for our state? This article presents facts not found in most news reports that will help you make an informed decision on this important issue. What marijuana is and how it is used […]
May 29, 2013
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